Saturday, January 12, 2013

Foods Rich In Fiber Can Help Prevent The Onset Of Prostate Cancer

Consume foods that contain fiber many many benefits. Specially for men mengkomsumsi foods containing fiber can help prevent prostate cancer. 

Diet high in fiber can help control the progression of prostate cancer, especially for those who are diagnosed with this cancer is still at the early stage. This study is based on observations of cases of prostate cancer that occurs in men in Asian countries with men in Western countries. 

According to a new study, a diet high in fiber can help control the progression of prostate cancer, especially for those who are diagnosed with this cancer is still at the early stage. This study is based on observations of cases of prostate cancer that occurs in men in Asian countries with men in Western countries. 

Although the number of cases is not significantly different, but prostate cancer in older Asian men evolved. The researchers also argue that a diet high in the seratlah play a role in this regard. 

This research was conducted on a number of rats that are divided into two groups. The first group was fed inositol hexaphosphate (IP6), the chemicals that are found in foods high in fiber. Whereas other groups without given the IP6. Then, researchers using MRI to check for cancer development in mice. 

"The results of a study that is really significant. We looked at tumor volume decreased dramatically, due to the addition of IP6 in the diet of the anesthetic anti-angiogenik, "said Komal Raina, a research instructor at Skaggs School of Pharmaceutical Sciences. 

Researchers say, a component of high-fiber diet prevent cancer cells to form new blood vessels they need to stay alive. Without blood vessels, cancer cells cannot grow. In addition, IP6 reduce the metabolic rate of glucose in cancer cells. This is done by means of lowering the GLUT-4 protein that is essential for transporting glucose, the researchers said. 

"Researchers have long sought genetic variation between Asian and Western society that could explain the difference in the level of development of prostate cancer. But the results of this research reveals that this difference occurred not because of genetic, but due to his diet. More Asian culture allows people in consuming IP6, unlike in the West, "said Raina. 

Experts also recommend the intake of dietary fiber which is good that is a minimum of 14 grams per 1,000 kcal for adults, or about 25 grams per day for adult women and 38 grams per day for adult men.

Cervical cancer is in Men

Despite the attack the woman's genital, meaning not just the womenfolk who must know about cervical cancer symptoms, but also the man should also understand about cervical.

Most of the viruses carried by men. Alerts you of the Huffington post, while men find warts or bumps on the genital, and followed a sense of heat and itching, it became one of the HPV virus bersarangnya. The disease is also classified as a sexually transmitted disease that is most common.

Men should know the 4 key points about HPV:

1. Vaccines are not just for women

During this time many people assume, only women who have to do the vaccine to prevent cervical cancer. Gardisil vaccine which protects the four HPV types actually intended the men. The American Academy of Pediatrics issued a statement supporting the existence of the vaccine for boys before doing the first sexual activity.

2. some men more at risk of developing HPV
Gay or bisexual men are 17 times more likely to develop HPV. It is associated with cancer of the rectum which is inflicted on men. According to the CDC, the risk is much greater, than the transmission of HPV through sexual intercourse with women.

3. There is no test for HPV for men
Most HPV screening is seen through a pap smear that is only intended for women. The doctor will take a sample of cells from the cervix to test whether there is an abnormality.

Whereas, no blood tests clinically for the presence of HPV viruses either for women or men. Therefore, it is very difficult to detect the presence of HPV that are inflicted on men.

4. almost half the men carry the virus HPV
According to the study, nearly 50 percent of men over the age of 15 have been infected with HPV. What's more, every year, about 6 percent of men would be exposed to HPV infection. When sexual intercourse with a woman, he will suffer from HPV 16.