Monday, September 26, 2011

Acne? Only eat Cucumber

Starting to see spots red pimples on the face? Do not panic! Before using the cream or the drug should examine your diet. Eating natural foods can form a smooth skin, acne free healthy as reported by the EDITORIAL.

The appearance of acne is often inevitable, both teenagers age 16 to those aged 40 years old. Acne is a major enemy of the skin still not finished. Acne or skin care drug is expensive does not guarantee to treat acne effectively.

A study revealed Elliott Weiss, MD, a dermatologist from the Laser & Skin Surgery Center of New York, shows that poor eating habits can trigger acne. Akibatnua able to aggravate acne conditions.

"Acne is a problem with fair skin, acne can often arise because often eat sweet, fatty and starchy. As for those who like to eat healthy foods and avoid processed foods and packaging, small at risk for skin problems, especially acne ', explains Elliot.

Therefore, acne can appear because of the condition of follicular hyperkeratosis (proliferation), which leads to blockage of the follicle and inflammation. This is caused by unhealthy foods. Foods to be avoided to prevent the appearance of acne is a sweet foods, excessive consumption of dairy products and processed grain products.

Is not the only way to beautify the skin, but can also keep your body slim. The following high-nutrition foods can be consumed regularly to keep skin healthy.

Spicy food
Spicy foods, and many contain chili or chili powder can aggravate acne. If you love spicy food, might be able to replace it with spices such as pepper, thyme, mint, and rosemary.

Vegetables and fruit water level
Eating cucumbers regularly can help treat acne. The water content in cucumber is a key to remove the toxins that clog pores. Cucumbers can also be used as a coolant which effectively address inflammatory acne, so it can be used as a mask. Carrots and sweet potatoes can also be an excellent choice for treating acne, because it contains vitamin A is high and well as the overall detoxification of the skin.

This food is known for increasing sexual desire. Besides it can cure acne because the content high zincnya. Zinc and vitamin A on oyster is able to control the release of hormones trigger acne. The best way to eat oysters is in the form of fresh or raw oysters.

Dairy products are known to trigger acne. However, the content of the good bacteria in yogurt can help prevent bad bacteria triggers the formation of acne. It would be better if eaten in the form of plain yogurt. Add sliced ​​fresh fruit, like banana or apple and almond slices.

Dark Chocolate
Unsweetened dark chocolate or dark chocolate has a high antioxidant. Good to protect skin from harmful free radicals that damage healthy skin and cause acne.

Drink plenty of water
Drink at least 6 glasses of mineral water per day to toxins in the body is lost and prevent dehydration. Water also keeps the moisture and elasticity to the skin. Can prevent acne. If you get bored, add lemon or lemon, mint or cucumber. Avoid alcoholic beverages and soft drinks.

1 comment:

  1. Well, it’s a nice one, I have been looking for. Thanks for sharing such informative
