Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Reactions in the Body When The Ecstasy Consumption

Ecstasy is sometimes referred to with MDMA (methylene dioxy methamphetamine) became illegal drugs that are so popular, because some of the effects of this drug could lengsung feels within 1 hour after single doses are consumed with.

As is known, Ecstasy is not a drug that produces a variety of benign because of the adverse health effects including nausea, chills, sweating, unconsciously clenching, muscle cramps and blurred vision, as quoted from

Some Time After Drink
Ecstasy contains stimulants that are quickly absorbed in the human bloodstream, but once he had entered the ecstasy will interfere with the body's ability to metabolize or break.

Stimulant in the central nervous system stimulating ecstasy and other content affects the ability of one's perception.

Ecstasy users will also be reduced ability to control himself so he'll feel excited all of a sudden even before 1 hour since he drank.

The result of this stimulant effects also makes a person consume in a nightclub to dance or Jig in a long period. As well as its direct effect is caused anxiety and makes people desperate to do something.

A Few Hours After Consumption
A few hours after people are consuming ecstasy to be generated a significant decline in mental abilities, especially affecting memory and can last up to a week. This condition is dangerous if a person performs complex activities such as driving.

A Week After Consumption
During the week after consumption, many users report a variety of emotions including anxiety, restlessness, irritability, sadness, depression, sleep disorders, eating less and can't nafu-enjoy sex.

What if someone is experiencing an overdose (OD) due to this medication then it will arise the symptoms of high blood pressure, worsened the effects of cardiovascular toxicity, fainting, panic attacks, and in the case of heavy lead to loss of consciousness and seizures.

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