Monday, August 15, 2011

Cause of Death: Respiratory Tract from inhaling cigarette smoke and vehicle

Two hours earlier, I tasted the food souvenirs from Sulawesi. Foods that taste good without dinyana my immune system has triggered so that the impact of sistemiknya causes an allergic reaction.

While "enjoying" an allergic reaction, I think, what I wish to happen if there are no allergic reactions when we had the "a" allergens. The answer may be just one: DEAD. Capacity loss of life.

As I've learned before, in the science of genetics, overall functionality and system life is sustained by a large number of protein-2 compiled by DNA. And DNA itself simply consists of 4 letters arranged systematically. A, T, C, and g. Hopefully got here the reader can follow the "reverie" me.

If a substance is "considered" by poison the body enters into this system, then combination A, T, C, G's review will be uninterrupted. Chaos ensued in the creation of such toxic protein-which is now named allergens immediately processed for blocked so as not to mess up the whole system. There was a systemic impact of this mess, which as a result – seen from the fatalitasnya level could lead to collapse and coma. Followed by reaction with 2-degrees of fatality that declining such as shortness of breath, sneeze, itch-2-2 until the swelling in specific areas.

These are all the work of the immunity system trying to protect our survival. Imagine if the system immunity and that there was no systemic impact, eating peanuts, are at risk of death, lho!

Because it is now an awful lot of therapist allergy. Starting from hypnoterapi, acupuncture, as well as medical. Why? Because the body's ability to recognize a substance is toxic, can be programmed and rehearsed. That is why each other have different types of allergies, to different allergens. It also is why child-2 is now more easily allergy to ingredients-2 natural foods rather than to the material-2 meals with a mixture of chemicals, such as the "regular" they consume on a daily basis.

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