Thursday, September 1, 2011

Stalking is a Heroin User

One of the types of drugs (narcotics and drugs) are commonly used user is heroin. If these substances are used in the long term, then there are medical complications lurking.

Experts reveal the medical consequences of chronic heroin abuse including blood vessels are injured or damaged, a bacterial infection in the blood vessels and heart valves, as well as damage to other body organs such as the liver and kidneys.

Here are some other medical disorders which can lurk users of heroin, as quoted from

1. pulmonary Complications including pneumonia and various types of TB (tuberculosis) that could have resulted from bad actors health conditions as well as the dihirupnya of heroin.

2. damage to organs of the lungs, liver, kidneys and the brain due to the large number of addictive substances in the course of these materials that heroin is not soluble and resulted in the blockage of blood vessels.

3. infection or death of cells in the organs, as well as reaction vitalnya immune system against the heroin that cause arthritis or another rheumatologic problems.

4. health risks of sharing a syringe or liquid that can cause infections hepatitis B and C, HIV and a number of other viruses.

But the most serious health effects from the abuse of heroin is death due to having an overdose. This is because heroin is an illegal drug that sometimes love is mixed with other ingredients and the wearer never knew bagaimaan of pure heroin.

Heroin is often mixed with sugar, starch drugs quinine and sometimes with other toxic substances, thus increasing the potential for danger. This condition makes the wearer had no idea what the actual content and users are at risk of overdose and death.

Other effects of malicious use of heroin is a highly addictive nature. Over time, users develop tolerance does not require one heroin consume higher doses to achieve the same effect.

But if he tried to stop the consumption of heroin, then there are symptoms of withdrawal (withdrawal) experienced an extreme. These symptoms peak between 48-72 hours after you stop using and can last up to a week, symptoms include:
1. a strong Desire to get heroin
2. Restless
3. muscle aches and sometimes bone is very sick
4. throw up
5. cold sweat and body feels cold.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for enhancing my knowledge! I know that there are a plethora of drugs that we look around us but the worst one near to me is DMT. It has destroyed a plethora of lives of innocent ones.
