Thursday, September 22, 2011

Trigger Factors of Heart Disease in Women

Heart disease does not belong to men, women are also at risk of the disease is high. In America, the heart still occupy the first diseases that are at risk of death. And breast cancer in the sixth. Although the disease is more popular.
Actually, a lot of factors in women who become habits are your triggers. Associated press, was quoted as saying the first thing of course increased blood pressure in the body. This is usually caused due to excess weight and pill consumption. Here is another cause of disorders that triggers the heart function.

Birth Control Pills
You probably already know if high blood pressure increases the risk of heart problems. But, did you also know that birth control pills consumed can increase blood pressure?
Try to check the reset, how you need to consume the pill. Or you can replace them with other contraceptive methods. Cardiovascular risk caused due to birth control pills, are likely to increase after the age of 35.
An increase in blood pressure are also often occur during pregnancy, especially for a woman who is overweight. Usually this also caused due to genetic factors. So be sure to keep your blood pressure, especially when approaching a childbirth.

Mental condition which for too long have the pressure can also show early symptoms of heart disease. Depression will automatically menungkatkan blood pressure. Not to mention its lifestyle through uncontrolled food. Depression also allows changes in physiological heart rhythm problems such as unstable.
Unfortunately, depression is more common in women, compared with men. Two to three times that, according to the National Women's Health Resource Center.

Not just for men, the danger cigarettes also lurk women, and indeed the risk is also greater. Women who smoke have a greater risk in heart attack and stroke. So as soon as possible lakukukan the movement to stop the habit of smoking.

After entering the phase of menopause, women are more at risk of heart disease. This is due to the decrease in the hormone estrogen in the body. Before the menopause, oestrogen protects heart function properly.
However, consuming hormone replacement supplements is not the best way. Research suggests that hormonal therapy will instead increases the risk of these diseases.

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