Friday, September 23, 2011

Recognize the Symptoms of Dehydration and How to Overcome It

A drought that occurred in the middle of the year generally makes the weather tends to be dry and hot. The scorching rays of the Sun also gave rise to a variety of health disorders are vulnerable, including dehydration.

Dehydration is a shortage of experienced fluid body. Its effects can be mild, severe, until the worst can trigger death. The four groups that are at risk of experiencing dehydration, including children, athletes, outdoor workers and elderly people.

There are some signs of dehydration, according to the President of the Medical Association Athletics USA, Dr. Noel Nequin d. as quoted from WomensHealth, namely:

1. the lips and tongue was dry
2. the headache
3. a sense of weakness, dizziness, or extreme fatigue
4. colour of the urine becomes darker than usual.
5. a sense of nausea
6. going on muscle cramps

To resolve it, always with the body hydration drink liquids. The best time to consume the liquid is before the thirsty. "When thirsty, it means that the body has experienced mild dehydration," he said.

Dr. Nequin suggested time hot air, better schedule a time to drink. Avoid drinks that contain caffeine or alcohol while in the Sun or heat. Alcohol and caffeine beverages including stimulates urine production which increases dehydration. "The best Drinks are drinking water or electrolyte-containing sports drinks and energy to working muscles," he said.

Added, adults need a 17-20 ounces of fluid before doing activities, as well as 7-10 ounces of liquid every 10-20 minutes once during the activity. "You need a 24 ounce liquid in the first two hours after outdoor activities," he said. For a child, gave 4-8 ounces of liquid before the start of outdoor activity, and 5 to 9 ounces every 20 minutes over the outside.

There are a few other tips oust dehydration:
1. always wear light colored clothing and loose.
2. whenever there is a chance, a break in the shade
3. when someone who is dehydrated lost consciousness, immediately contact the medical team for further   handling.

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