Friday, September 23, 2011

Scientists Develop Anti Lazy

If you include a slacker? A number of scientists from the Center for Integrative Human Physiology, University of Zurich, Switzerland, to develop ways to overcome the problems associated with lack of motivation: antimalas pills.

Quoted from Beauty Genius, they claim that these pills can stimulate someone become more active which indirectly would be less lazy. They also refer to these pills can help fight obesity.

The key is the hormone erythropoietin in pills.

In an experiment, the scientists doing the stimulus of the hormone erythropoietin in rats brain. They found that the stimulation of rats become more motivated to make and practice harder.

Max Gassmann, one of the authors of the study, says that this is the first time that scientists were able to raise motivation in your activities through the stimulation of erythropoietin.

In a follow-up experiment, they also prove that erythropoietin affect mood or mood. Therefore, this hormone stimulation can also be used to assist in the treatment of depression and mental disorders.

Researchers uncover even the effectiveness of hormone stimulation of erythropoietin in treatment of numerous health disorders to help such as Alzheimer's and obesity. Where physical activity improves the condition of the patient.

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