Sunday, October 2, 2011

Allow Pregnant Women Drink Alcohol, Origin ...

While pregnant, alcoholic beverages into its own restrictions for diasup. However, it is in fact not a prohibition that is not negotiable. Allowed to eat them without overdoing it.

In a study in Denmark, pregnant women who drink one glass a day will not harm the baby's development in the womb and does not affect the IQ of the child or the functioning of the brain and other organ functions.

However, alcohol drinking nine cups or more a week can affect the concentration of the child when she was five years old. The study was conducted involving 1628 pregnant women with a median age of 31 years, as reported by Female First.

However, do not mean this to be a sort of green light for pregnant women consume alcohol to excess. Professor Ulrik Kesmodel from Aarhus University Hospital said that drinking alcohol on an ongoing basis can harm the fetus. Addiction to alcohol during pregnancy is associated with fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder in children can lead to disruption of physical, mental and behavioral.

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