Thursday, August 18, 2011

Compared to Alcohol, Tight Pants More Danger For Sperm

During this time, alcohol and caffeinated beverages can be reduced sperm quality. But according to some experts, the impact on fertility is not how much when compared with the too-tight pants.

Last week, the National Health Service in England published the results of research which is quite surprising. Imagine, alcohol and other caffeinated beverages are not considered how much effect on the quality of sperm produced a man.

In penleitian involving 2246 men today, lifestyle changes such as reducing alcohol and drinking coffee is not how big impact on sperm quality. Was no improvement in patients with impaired fertility, but the changes are not as great as expected.

The study, conducted by experts from the University of Manchester, University of Sheffield and University of Alberta in Canada is another factor that proves more vicious damage sperm. Factor is nothing but the panties are too tight.

"It should be noted that the highlights of this research is, the less healthy lifestyle is not very big influence on sperm quality," wrote the experts in the scientific report as quoted by the NY Dailynews.

Among the participants are all taken from various fertility clinics in Britain, 40 percent have poor sperm quality. When compared, there is not much difference in the habit of consuming alcohol, but his ugly sperm participants tend to more often wear tight underwear instead of boxer shorts.

Underwear that is too grammatical indeed known to make men of reproductive organ function impaired. Besides being able to raise the temperature of vital organs, the materials used in manufacturing helped reduce sperm quality assessed.

Brain Food is Good for the Baby

Growth period is the right time to maximize the ability of the brain of a child. To support it, please make a healthy nutritional foods which could be a brain.

Food brain can improve memory and skills, so as to make the child more proficient in memorize or remember something.

The following nutrients could be brain food for children, as reported by boldsky:

1. dairy products
Milk and other dairy products are rich sources of protein, calcium, potassium and vitamin d. All of these are a source of essential nutrients key to development of the neuromuscular system, neurotransmitters, enzymes and brain tissue. Children and people in the age group of teenagers who are in the stage of growing also requires these nutrients.

2. all kinds of fruit-berry
Strawberries, cherries, blueberries and blackberries are known as ' brainberries ' because the fruits of this provides almost all the essential nutrients for the brain. The fruit is a great source of antioxidants and berri vitamin C which helps in reducing oxidative stress.

3. eggs and nuts
Kolin, one other important element for the development of stem cells that can be found in the memory of eggs and nuts. Choline can increase the production of stem cells of memory in the brain, as well as minimizing fatigue. Moreover, nuts and seeds are a source of vitamin D, which is capable of reducing the decline of cognitive function.

4. wheat
B vitamins and glucose are found in whole grains like oat meal and brown rice, so that makes it a healthy brain foods for children. The body requires a regular supply of glucose supplied by seeds. Vitamin B improves the flow of blood to the nervous system which is one of the main factors in maintaining all the organs of the body to the active, including the brain.

5. Salmon
Fish with high levels of fats such as salmon is a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids such as DHA and EPA. This is a nutrient essential for proper brain development. Research proves that people who consume the fish have a sharper memory than not.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Reactions in the Body When The Ecstasy Consumption

Ecstasy is sometimes referred to with MDMA (methylene dioxy methamphetamine) became illegal drugs that are so popular, because some of the effects of this drug could lengsung feels within 1 hour after single doses are consumed with.

As is known, Ecstasy is not a drug that produces a variety of benign because of the adverse health effects including nausea, chills, sweating, unconsciously clenching, muscle cramps and blurred vision, as quoted from

Some Time After Drink
Ecstasy contains stimulants that are quickly absorbed in the human bloodstream, but once he had entered the ecstasy will interfere with the body's ability to metabolize or break.

Stimulant in the central nervous system stimulating ecstasy and other content affects the ability of one's perception.

Ecstasy users will also be reduced ability to control himself so he'll feel excited all of a sudden even before 1 hour since he drank.

The result of this stimulant effects also makes a person consume in a nightclub to dance or Jig in a long period. As well as its direct effect is caused anxiety and makes people desperate to do something.

A Few Hours After Consumption
A few hours after people are consuming ecstasy to be generated a significant decline in mental abilities, especially affecting memory and can last up to a week. This condition is dangerous if a person performs complex activities such as driving.

A Week After Consumption
During the week after consumption, many users report a variety of emotions including anxiety, restlessness, irritability, sadness, depression, sleep disorders, eating less and can't nafu-enjoy sex.

What if someone is experiencing an overdose (OD) due to this medication then it will arise the symptoms of high blood pressure, worsened the effects of cardiovascular toxicity, fainting, panic attacks, and in the case of heavy lead to loss of consciousness and seizures.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Cause of Death: Respiratory Tract from inhaling cigarette smoke and vehicle

Two hours earlier, I tasted the food souvenirs from Sulawesi. Foods that taste good without dinyana my immune system has triggered so that the impact of sistemiknya causes an allergic reaction.

While "enjoying" an allergic reaction, I think, what I wish to happen if there are no allergic reactions when we had the "a" allergens. The answer may be just one: DEAD. Capacity loss of life.

As I've learned before, in the science of genetics, overall functionality and system life is sustained by a large number of protein-2 compiled by DNA. And DNA itself simply consists of 4 letters arranged systematically. A, T, C, and g. Hopefully got here the reader can follow the "reverie" me.

If a substance is "considered" by poison the body enters into this system, then combination A, T, C, G's review will be uninterrupted. Chaos ensued in the creation of such toxic protein-which is now named allergens immediately processed for blocked so as not to mess up the whole system. There was a systemic impact of this mess, which as a result – seen from the fatalitasnya level could lead to collapse and coma. Followed by reaction with 2-degrees of fatality that declining such as shortness of breath, sneeze, itch-2-2 until the swelling in specific areas.

These are all the work of the immunity system trying to protect our survival. Imagine if the system immunity and that there was no systemic impact, eating peanuts, are at risk of death, lho!

Because it is now an awful lot of therapist allergy. Starting from hypnoterapi, acupuncture, as well as medical. Why? Because the body's ability to recognize a substance is toxic, can be programmed and rehearsed. That is why each other have different types of allergies, to different allergens. It also is why child-2 is now more easily allergy to ingredients-2 natural foods rather than to the material-2 meals with a mixture of chemicals, such as the "regular" they consume on a daily basis.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Risk of Breast Cancer Can Fuelled By Alcohol, Obesity, and X-ray

Breast cancer is the most frightening Specter to women. The cause of breast cancer itself is influenced by many factors or multi-factor.

Recently a research report mentions that women who are obese or overweight, alcohol, as well as many mengonsumi too intensnya exposed to x-rays had a subjected to the risk of breast cancer is higher compared with women who are spared from these three things

A writer in the research report, entitled breast cancer and the environment: guidelines for Living Dr. Kathy Helzelsouer mentioned that environmental factors are thus often considered trivial by a lot of people apparently could be one of the triggers breast cancer.

Environmental factors such as exposure to radiation that is, patterns and types of foods consumed include also in it regularly-at least in the running of the sport.

Kathy continue that person's body weight was instrumental in the onset breast cancer because fat cells which overlap will actively produce estrogen which plays an active role in most of the growth of breast cancer.

This is strengthened by the results of the research been done by the Cancer Research in the United Kingdom to the effect that obesity is a major cause of breast cancer, after alcohol and cigarettes. It mainly occurs in women who have already entered the ranks of the menopause.

Of research data, there is the fact that approximately 12.5% of women suffering from breast cancer United Kingdom in her life. The numbers could arguably large enough and should be of concern to various parties.

Female menopause has a risk of about 2-3 times exposed to attack breast cancer because it has higher estrogen levels compared to women who have relatively lower levels of estrogen.

In other research funded by Cancer Researh United Kingdom and conducted by a team from Oxford University intends to find out the factors that could explain why there is breast cancer which is sensitive to hormone levels.

In conclusion, that the weight loss is thought to be the cause of the growing strong sex hormones so that the weight of a person's body weight to the hormone estrogen then someone could also be increased.

The dangers of alcohol and x-ray Radiation

In addition to the other causes of obesity, someone affected by breast cancer are many consume alcohol. A study conducted in France, Germany, and Italy found the conclusion that enough glass of alcohol per day could make peminumnya has affected the chances of breast cancer about 3-5%. If consumption in one day reach 3-5 cups, then exposed to risk of breast cancer increases to 50%.

Intake of alcohol in quantities much into the body is the cause of breast cancer in about 50 thousand cases in the world. While mild amounts of alcohol drinkers have contributed 2% contraction and breast cancer in North America and Europe.

Why alcohol? Same thing with obesity, that drink that can make people drunk it can create increased levels of estrogen in the body that triggers the onset breast cancer. So for those of you that often consume alcohol either in the amount of light or heavy, are advised to immediately stop it because her breasts were exposed to the risk of cancer is enormous.

In addition to alcohol, exposure to x-rays can also trigger the onset breast cancer. Kathy Helzelsouer suggest that exposure of sinar shy away from radiation in a medium to large number of especially for youth and women in when her breasts are growing.

Benign Cyst In Vagina

The Tumor is a cluster of abnormal cells that are formed from the results of the process of cell division and no excessive coordinated.

On the basis of its growth, the tumors are divided into 2 large groups: malignant tumors and benign tumors or popular as cancer. Tumors and cancer is often considered to be the same. However, there is a difference between the two.

Benign tumours only grew and grew up locally and not to attack the body's tissues and do not experience metastatis nearby Borobudur (spread to other organs of the body it inhabits) in contrast to malignant tumors that grow uncontrollably, attack the body's tissues around him, and experience metastatis through lymph and blood circulation system. Malignant Tumor is known as cancer.

The world of medicine has yet to figure out the exact cause a person can suffer from tumors but in general it is believed that the process of the formation of tumors associated with 3 main factors are genetic factors (hereditary), carcinogenic (oncogene), and co-carcinogen (co-oncogene). Tumors are initially benign if not treated properly, it would be inflamed and turn into malignant cancer tumor aka.

Cysts are benign tumors that are most frequently encountered. Cystic form, containing a viscous fluid, and some are shaped like wine. There is also a cyst which contains air, fluid, pus, or any other materials. Cysts are benign tumors include wrapped some sort of membrane tissue.
A collection of tumor cells that are separated by normal tissue around it and cannot spread to other body parts. That is why benign tumours are relatively easily lifted with dissection, and does not endanger the health of its victims.

Based on the level of keganasannya, the cyst is divided into two, namely non-neoplastic or anti-neoplastic activities and. Cysts are non-neoplastic or benign nature and usually will deflate itself after 2 to 3 months. While the cyst neoplastic or should generally in operation, but it also depends on the size and nature. In addition to ovarian cysts can also on growing up in the vagina and vulva area (the outside of the female genitalia). The cysts grow in the vaginal area, among other inclusions, gartner, endometriosis, and adenosis. While the cysts grow in the vulva, among others on the glands, sebaceous glands and glands bartholini inclusion epidermal.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Minimize the Risk of Skin Cancer With Coffee

For those of you who like to stay up, coffee was the best friend can be trusted to make the eyes stay awake. But according to a new study whose results are reported by the site Genius Beauty, coffee benefits not only to eliminate sleepiness. But also able to minimize the risk of developing skin cancer.

Scientists who examined it comes from Rutgers University, USA. They experiment with mixing the caffeine of coffee into the sunscreen, the skin protection creams.

It is the object of research is still conducted on mice genetically engineered to have skin cancer, but the effect appears to show positive results.

Mice that sunscreen smeared with caffeine coffee was not his skin absorbs ultraviolet radiation from the sun, and there seems no significant progression of tumor cells.

Whereas in mice not given caffeine coffee cream with sunscreen, the opposite occurs, leading to a negative direction.

Up to 19 weeks of trial time, the development of mice with a cream containing caffeine up to 69% better than those who do not.

This is because caffeine inhibits the effect of ATR enzyme, an enzyme that can aggravate cancer if exposed to sunlight.

So, the coffee was able to minimize the risk of skin cancer and UV rays resist bad influences. You want to try, go ahead.

Strange Facts About Insomnia

Insomnia or trouble sleeping conditions at night doesn't happen to everyone. But these disorders are the more experienced it.

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) said that on the real, its symptoms and insomnia occurs for at least a month and does not occur in conjunction with other sleep disorders, mental disorders, medical condition or the use of certain drugs.

Lost hours of sleep has a negative effect on health. A review of the University of Rochester in 2010 found that people who are constantly experiencing shortage of hours of sleep are more likely to experience a traffic accident, missed days of work, less satisfied with their work and more easily distracted by the environment around it.

Check out the bizarre fact 7 helps explain why people couldn't sleep as reported by myhealthnewsdaily, following from.

1. Insomnia could have been a derivative

Sleep problems can appear in a single family. A study in 2008 found that adolescents whose parents suffer from insomnia are also high risk use sleeping pills prescribed and has a mental problem.

2. pets and Insects Also Can suffer from Insomnia

Other animals such as insects can't complain for granted while experiencing insomnia, but some studies show animals also suffer from sleep disorders such as humans.

Flies insomnia even more often off balance, slower to learn and have more fat, all of which resemble the symptoms in humans that lack of sleep.

3. Social Jet Lag could be the cause of Insomnia

If you have trouble getting up on a Monday morning, You could just have ' jet lag ' social mores to follow a schedule slept on weekdays and weekends different from people in General.

A new study shows that people with sleep schedule on weekdays and on weekends a different three times more likely to have overweight.

4. sleeping pills is still popular Despite failing to Heal Insomnia

In a study published in the journal BMJ Open, researchers found that people who use sleeping pills prescribed nearly five times more likely to die during the study for 2.5 years than people who were not on medication to sleep.

5. female hormones May Cause Insomnia

Women are twice more likely to suffer from insomnia than men. This is revealed by the National Sleep Foundation.

Can't sleep at night and sleepy during the day often associated with hormonal changes in women's lives, including pregnancy, menopause and menstrual cycle.

However, along with the hormonal changes, insomnia is also associated with conditions such as anxiety, depression, breathing problems while sleeping and restless legs syndrome.

6. Although Rarely, Someone can also die of Insomnia

Fatal familial insomnia is a rare genetic disease that prevents a person from sleep because eventually it can cause death.

Experts have identified the fatal familial insomnia as a prion disease caused by abnormal proteins that evolved from a genetic mutation that affects brain function that causes memory loss, muscle movement and can control the hallucinations.

In 1986, researchers reported the case of a 53 year old male suffering from lack of sleep and only get to sleep 2-3 hours per night in the New England Journal of Medicine.

Two months later, the man was only able to sleep an hour per night and are often disturbed by dream is real. After 3-6 months, he could not sleep at all with normal so she experienced severe fatigue, body tremors and difficult breathing. After eight months, he fell down and died.

After you scrutinized from the man's family history terungkaplah that two sisters and many members of his family also died of illness are similar.

Chocolate can protect against tooth decay

Researchers have found that chocolate can prevent damage to the tooth. This was so successful in combating decay that scientists believe are some components that may one day be added to mouthwash or toothpaste.

The study, conducted by researchers at Osaka University in Japan found that parts of cocoa beans, the main ingredient of chocolate, thwart mouth bacteria and tooth decay.
They found that the cocoa beans the skin - the outer part of the bean which usually goes to waste in chocolate production - has anti-bacterial effect on the mouth and can fight effectively against plaque and other harmful agents.

Tooth decay occurs when bacteria in the mouth turns into acid, which damages the surface of the teeth and cause dental caries.
Japanese scientists have discovered that chocolate is less harmful than many other sweet foods, as antibacterial agents in cocoa beans offset high levels of sugar.

After three months, the study found that the rates with a high sugar diet had a 14 hole average compared to only six cavities than those who received skin cocoa beans in their diet.
The researchers now plan to test their findings in humans.
Speaking to the magazine New Scientist, Takashi Ooshima, from Osaka University, say their findings could lead to new treatments for tooth decay.

"It may be possible to use a mouthwash CBH extracts, or supplements for a toothpaste."
It could even be put back into the chocolate to make it better for the teeth, he said

"They certainly have an effect but good oral hygiene, rather than eating lots of chocolate, is the way to good healthy teeth."

British Dental Association spokesman said: "If it is true that chocolate does not help to reduce tooth decay and cavities that can only be a good thing, but you must remember that chocolate contains sugar.

"Our advice remains the same: if people want to eat candy and sweet drinks they had to limit it, and visit the dentist regularly."

Can be purchased from used condoms Viagra Without Prescription

A new condom viagra gel containing patented claimed able to increase erectile capability by promoting blood flow.

The Gel is located inside the tip of the condom and glove can penetrate the skin quickly to increase blood flow and speed up an erection.

The Gel called Zanifil which is based on nitroglycerin often used to treat chest pain and heart failure since the 19th century.

Basically, this is viagra in condoms. However, unlike viagra Pfizer, condoms berviagra will be available without a prescription.

As reported by the Indian health., known as CSD500 condom is marketed around it will start European countries in August 2012. The way of life the same as conventional condoms.

Researchers conducting clinical trials to compare the CSD500 condom with other standards.

Most of the testers report that there is an increasing erection when using CSD500, while many women reported that the type of condom use can make her partner in bed more durable.

A spokesman Had stated that the potential of the commercial benefits of the men clearly CSD500 who have erectile dysfunction.

However, unlike drugs CSD500 erectile dysfunction, because viagra special devoted to the man who struggled to maintain erections at once get the protection of the safe use of condoms yanga.

Friday, August 12, 2011

People who Eat Healthier Home and Longevity

In an age which is too busy, rarely encountered people who want to cook at home. Buy food outside is more practical and varied, but not necessarily healthy. One study found that people who frequently eat at home more longevity than people who do a lot of snacks outside.

Combined scientists from Monash University, National Defense Medical Centre in Taiwan and National Health Research Institutes in Taiwan trying to find the effect of home for healthy eating. The result found that people who eat at least 5 times a week the house has a 47% greater chance to live longer.

The research was conducted for 10 years to see the living habits of people in Taiwan who were 65 years and over. Of all participants, 31% of whom claimed to prepare their own meals at home at least 5 times a week. A total of 17% cooked no more than 2 times a week and 9% of the cooking at home 3-5 times per week. The remaining 43% claimed never to eat at home.
When follow-up study 10 years later, researchers found that participants who were alive were mostly more often cook their own food at home. Researchers speculate that this practice is a significant factor for health and longevity.

"Participants are more likely to cook have a better diet. We found these people have the knowledge and better understanding about nutrition than those who do not cook their own meals at home," said the researcher, Professor Emeritus Mark Wahlqvist of Monash University as reported Official site Monas University, Monash.

According to prof Mark, cooking is an activity that requires mental and physical health is good. Cooked food at home is obviously more healthy and clear nutritional content. Not only that, the cooking itself also has another benefit from buying groceries, preparing food and eating as most company of other people.

"We found that people who cook have a better diet and nutrition gets more useful. Therefore, it may be associated with longevity cook by choice and quality of food served," said Mark prof.

The results also showed that women who cook the food in a household to live longer than her male partner. This suggests that more women get the health benefits of cooking for others.

Protein in breast milk may act as anti-cancer

Breast milk (ASI) is known to contain many useful nutrients for infants. Apparently one of the ASI protein has anti-cancer properties.

Studies show high protein levels of TNF-related apoptosis inducing ligand (TRIAL) in human milk is one source of anti-cancer activity of human milk.

The researchers took samples from the colostrum (first milk that comes out for a newborn) and breast milk of women who become mothers. Then the researchers also took blood samples from healthy women and infant formula.

Mother involved in this research have been tested and meet the conditions in the face for not showing signs of eclampsia, infection or fever, so they can produce a healthy baby.

Furthermore, the researchers measured levels of TRAIL colostrum, milk formula, blood (serum) and the baby. Colostrum and milk was found to contain 100-400 times higher blood levels of TRAIL, whereas TRAIL formula will not be found.

"TRAIL is a strong candidate to explain the overall biological effects of breastfeeding in the fight against cancer," said the researchers, as collected from Medindia.

Also, the results of this study reinforce the important role in the prevention of cancer in children, such as lymphoblastic leukemia cancer, Hodgkin's disease and many neuroblastoma in children.

Cancer known to occur around children 2-4 percent of all cases of cancer in humans and cause 10 percent of deaths in children. Child likely can be cured if found early cancer.

Early cancer detection, but unfortunately the child was not easy, because the children can not understand and relate the symptoms to which she feels. Because the role of those in the vicinity is very important to detect symptoms of cancer.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Antibiotics for Lung Infection Cause Hearing Loss

People who are active at night or staying up often prefer to go to work or attend school in a state of sullen faces and lots of coffee to resist sleepiness, while people who are active in the morning seemed more cheerful and come to work or school 15 minutes early .

Not only that, a new study suggests that people who are active in the morning feeling happier and more satisfied with life overall.

But the habits of teenagers who like to stay up will tend to fade with age and this study said that this habit will switch to a schedule of activities is largely focused in the morning. No wonder adults are much happier than the younger generation.

"Previous research has also shown that people who are active in the morning reported feeling happier than people who like to stay up, or active at night. However, this study only to monitor trends in young adults," said researcher Renee Biss, a graduate student at the University of Toronto as reported by MSNBC.
The new study, published in the journal Emotion is to find out whether the habit in the morning on individuals who are older or adults to contribute to the overall outlook on life.

Here researchers studied two populations: 435 adults aged 17-38 years and 297 adults aged 59-79 years. Then both groups filled out questionnaires about the state of his emotions, how healthy they are, and choice of "time" for its activities.

Participants aged 60 years mostly in the morning like activity. In contrast only about 7 percent of young adults who are active in the morning. But as we age, these habits will change. This is consistent with research findings that only 7 percent of the older participants who still likes to stay up.

"We found that older people are reported to have a greater positive emotions than adults, but younger. In addition, older adults tend to be more active in the morning than younger adults," says Biss.

"The term 'morningness' or liveliness in the morning was associated with greater emotional happiness in both age groups."

People are a lot of activity in the morning also tend to be healthier than people who like to stay up. The researchers say this may be because people naturally move in this morning to get better sleep quality. This habit not only makes it more alert, but also affects the immune system.

"We do not know why this happened, but there are several potential explanations. People who move at night may be more vulnerable to social inequality, which means the biological clock out of sync with the social hour," said Biss.

"Moreover, public expectations are also much more organized and focused around the people who have a schedule of activities in the morning."

For example, most people get up early for work or school, even if these people do not like it. "People love to be active at night through his nights during the week with feeling unhappy because they have to wake up earlier than they want," says Biss.

Therefore, in order to get her happiness with everyone ease, researchers suggest to change your sleep schedule so that you turn into a person who is active in the morning. "One way is to increase your exposure to natural light in the morning and go to bed early to wake up early," says Biss.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Epilepsy can affect anyone

Epilepsy can occur in anyone, children, adults, elderly, newborn or infant who is not born though. It is extremely small chance of epilepsy is derived, so it is often considered not hereditary. People are now healthy and normal matter can be affected by epilepsy.