Sunday, October 2, 2011

Allow Pregnant Women Drink Alcohol, Origin ...

While pregnant, alcoholic beverages into its own restrictions for diasup. However, it is in fact not a prohibition that is not negotiable. Allowed to eat them without overdoing it.

In a study in Denmark, pregnant women who drink one glass a day will not harm the baby's development in the womb and does not affect the IQ of the child or the functioning of the brain and other organ functions.

However, alcohol drinking nine cups or more a week can affect the concentration of the child when she was five years old. The study was conducted involving 1628 pregnant women with a median age of 31 years, as reported by Female First.

However, do not mean this to be a sort of green light for pregnant women consume alcohol to excess. Professor Ulrik Kesmodel from Aarhus University Hospital said that drinking alcohol on an ongoing basis can harm the fetus. Addiction to alcohol during pregnancy is associated with fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder in children can lead to disruption of physical, mental and behavioral.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Immunization, Child Health Investment for the Future

Immunization not only a preventive measure to prevent transmission of disease, but also the baby's health investment in the future. Want proof?
Anyone would know the immunization. In fact, probably most of us have never been immunized when we were kids.
Immunization is an attempt to induce or enhance immune activation against specific diseases.
Unfortunately, there are still groups of people who still doubt the benefits of immunization to their children. In fact, immunizations are not just creating immunity, but it is also important to break the chain of transmission of the disease in children and those around him.
In developing countries, including Indonesia, Diseases Preventable by immunization (PD3I) remains a leading cause of death and disability of children. Approximately five percent of deaths among children under five caused by PD3I. Therefore, it is critical immunization efforts made to mitigate the morbidity and mortality.
Immunization in Indonesia was first performed in 1956, starting with smallpox immunization. Since then, the scope and type of immunization continues to be expanded. Today, there are five Immunization vaccines given to infants and children in Indonesia to prevent seven infectious diseases, namely Tuberculosis, Polio, Diphtheria, Pertussis, Tetanus, Measles, and Hepatitis B.
Immunization activities are also more evenly distributed throughout the region. If the new 2008 68.3 percent of the 65 781 villages have achieved Universal Child Immunization (UCI), after the acceleration in 2010, coverage reached 75.3 percent of the 75 990 villages.
One concrete example of the success of immunization programs is important, that is free of smallpox. In 1974, Indonesia officially declared smallpox-free countries. Meanwhile, other cases of the disease PD3I also decline. Measles, for example, from 24 388 cases in 2008, fell to 17 139 cases in 2010. Neonatal tetanus were reported as many as 198 cases in 2008, the last few years to about 137 cases.
For polio, even though there is no more polio cases in recent years, the threat from abroad is still there. Some countries in the world still reported wild polio virus. Because not all reach the village of UCI, meaning there are still pockets of villages that could potentially occur Extraordinary Events (KLB).
To anticipate this situation, since 2009 an additional immunization campaigns have been conducted in three phases. The first phase conducted in 2009, the second phase in 2010, and the last held in 2011 in 17 provinces in Indonesia with a coverage target of at least 95 percent of all children under five.
This year, Indonesia together the countries in Southeast Asia are committed to make 2012 the Year of Intensification of Routine Immunization or Intensification of Routine Immunization (IRI).
Addressing the issues
Immunization would need to get the full support of all parties, including the community. Because, until now still found a number of challenges in the provision of immunizations, such as parental understanding is still lacking in most of the society, false myths related to immunization, geographical constraints, till late in the immunization schedule.
Communities also need to be more careful and cautious in addressing immunization related information, such as addressing co-occurring post-immunization (Kipi) is heavy.
For example, when a polio outbreak occurred in West Java, a child was paralyzed after getting polio vaccine. With a virus (virology) proved that the paralysis is caused by wild polio virus that had attacked the child before he got polio immunization.
Similarly to the case of other heavy Kipi. After review of experts in the field, proved that Kipi is due to other diseases that have been there before, not due to immunization.
To address the case of Kipi, the public should refer to the information provided by the Regional Committee (Komda) Kipi in the province or the National Committee (Commission) Kipi in Jakarta. Because the news or report suspicions of Kipi always studied scientifically by experts-experts, as experts of infectious diseases, immunizations, and immunology in the committee.
Indeed, people do not have any doubt as to the safety and benefits of immunization. Currently, 194 countries around the world believe that immunization is safe and beneficial to prevent outbreaks, severe illness, disability, and death in infants and toddlers.
In fact, countries with high socioeconomic level and still continue to carry out the immunization program. Including, countries predominantly Muslim, with immunization coverage of more than 85 percent.
Disease prevention through immunization is a way of protection against infection of the most effective and far cheaper than the already fallen ill and had to be hospitalized.
Thus, immunization can be said for the future health investment. Instead, all infants and toddlers fully immunized. By avoiding a child from a dangerous infectious disease, then they have the chance move, play, learn without disturbance of health problems.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Acne? Only eat Cucumber

Starting to see spots red pimples on the face? Do not panic! Before using the cream or the drug should examine your diet. Eating natural foods can form a smooth skin, acne free healthy as reported by the EDITORIAL.

The appearance of acne is often inevitable, both teenagers age 16 to those aged 40 years old. Acne is a major enemy of the skin still not finished. Acne or skin care drug is expensive does not guarantee to treat acne effectively.

A study revealed Elliott Weiss, MD, a dermatologist from the Laser & Skin Surgery Center of New York, shows that poor eating habits can trigger acne. Akibatnua able to aggravate acne conditions.

"Acne is a problem with fair skin, acne can often arise because often eat sweet, fatty and starchy. As for those who like to eat healthy foods and avoid processed foods and packaging, small at risk for skin problems, especially acne ', explains Elliot.

Therefore, acne can appear because of the condition of follicular hyperkeratosis (proliferation), which leads to blockage of the follicle and inflammation. This is caused by unhealthy foods. Foods to be avoided to prevent the appearance of acne is a sweet foods, excessive consumption of dairy products and processed grain products.

Is not the only way to beautify the skin, but can also keep your body slim. The following high-nutrition foods can be consumed regularly to keep skin healthy.

Spicy food
Spicy foods, and many contain chili or chili powder can aggravate acne. If you love spicy food, might be able to replace it with spices such as pepper, thyme, mint, and rosemary.

Vegetables and fruit water level
Eating cucumbers regularly can help treat acne. The water content in cucumber is a key to remove the toxins that clog pores. Cucumbers can also be used as a coolant which effectively address inflammatory acne, so it can be used as a mask. Carrots and sweet potatoes can also be an excellent choice for treating acne, because it contains vitamin A is high and well as the overall detoxification of the skin.

This food is known for increasing sexual desire. Besides it can cure acne because the content high zincnya. Zinc and vitamin A on oyster is able to control the release of hormones trigger acne. The best way to eat oysters is in the form of fresh or raw oysters.

Dairy products are known to trigger acne. However, the content of the good bacteria in yogurt can help prevent bad bacteria triggers the formation of acne. It would be better if eaten in the form of plain yogurt. Add sliced ​​fresh fruit, like banana or apple and almond slices.

Dark Chocolate
Unsweetened dark chocolate or dark chocolate has a high antioxidant. Good to protect skin from harmful free radicals that damage healthy skin and cause acne.

Drink plenty of water
Drink at least 6 glasses of mineral water per day to toxins in the body is lost and prevent dehydration. Water also keeps the moisture and elasticity to the skin. Can prevent acne. If you get bored, add lemon or lemon, mint or cucumber. Avoid alcoholic beverages and soft drinks.

Burn Calories? Feed your baby!

Awaited the birth of a baby is certainly a happy moment for you and your partner. But, no doubt, time and effort you both, especially the mother, will be drained to take care of the baby. If you have this, it is difficult to find time to exercise. And you've passionately want to restore the body as it was before giving birth. Relax, Mom! According to dr. Inge Permadhi, MS, SpGK., Baby care activities can burn calories just, you know.

"If she moves, keep eating, and breastfeeding, in 4-6 months, the weight will drop from 0.6 to 0.8 kg / month," says nutrition specialist this. Now, while breastfeeding, you should not skip meals or not eating. Indeed, nursing mothers should eat three times a day and snacking three times a day.

"That should be deducted the amount of calories but not be less than the required amount of milk," said Inge. For example, eating complex carbohydrates, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and animal products, "May use sugar or fried, but it should be a little bit. For example using olive oil for salad. Fruit snack and drink as much as 13 cups a day, "explained nutrition consultant as WRP Diet Center met at the" Exercise & Nutrition During Pregnancy: Healthy Mother and Baby Slim "in the UB Women and Children Hospital.

Speaking of breastfeeding, breast milk is the best and cheapest food, can also help you lose weight. "More than 750 cc, you can burn up to 500 calories," So when you bathe the baby for fifteen minutes, you burn 60 kcal and 100 kcal while you hold the baby while standing for thirty minutes.

"Breast-feeding, sitting for half an hour, 40 kcal and 100 kcal if it stands," Inge added. Holding while standing for one hour can burn up to even 205 kcal and push the baby stroller use, burns about 171 kcal when performed for one hour.

So when breast-feeding mothers can exercise? "The first two weeks after a normal delivery and three months of giving birth by caesarean section if. Clearly, there must be permission from a doctor to berolaharga. Mild exercise, like walking, "said dr. UF Bagazi SpOG.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

5 Myths and Facts Sports

1. No Pain No Gain

Hard exercise does not have to do to help get the dream body shape. If you are a beginner, start slowly. If you push too hard of a workout. This pain can be normal at the beginning of the process of starting practice but do not let this make you wary of exercise. If you have severe pain, stop exercising until the pain disappeared. Or, consult with a medical professional before you start again.

2. Which exercise is best? Running, lifting weights or Yoga

The third exercise above is a sport that is quite balanced. Because all three have 3 types of exercise as well, namely, cardio, muscle and flexibility. Runs including aerobic or cardio exercise that increases the power of the heart and lungs. Weight-bearing exercise while providing the muscle that helps keep bones strong and muscles that help the body balance and coordination. While Yoga is an exercise in flexibility to increase range of motion and reduce the risk of injury during the move.

3. Do your cardio before workout

Nothing really, you should practice before a cardio workout. You may be planning one type of exercise. All depends desired goals. If you prioritize durability, do cardio exercises first before any other exercise. And, if you want to build strength or burn calories, do the exercises in advance (after heating) new cardio workout. But most importantly, doing enough exercise from both types of exercise each week.

4. You Can Burn Calories by Shopping?

The bad news for the "shopaholic", running at an effective spending does not include a healthy sport. When shopping, you do not breathe hard enough, and the heart is not pumping fast enough. So the activity could not be counted as a sport.

But the push lawn mower, mopping, and gardening can be an exercise carried out during more than 10 minutes.

5. Better to exercise 30 minutes at a time rather than 10 minutes but three times a day?

CDC recommends cardio or aerobic exercise 150 minutes a week of moderate intensity. Or, 75 minutes a week with strong intensity aerobic exercise or a combination of both.

In order to Mouth No Odor

In order not to disturb the smell of bad breath the speaker, there are some foods that should be avoided. Here are tips from Prof. DR. drg. Melanie Soedono, M. Biomed so as not to bad breath.

- If you eat fruits, select fruit fiber.

- Avoid too flavorful fruits such as durian, jackfruit and the like.

- Brush your teeth and gargle after eating pungent foods (like garlic).

- Choose foods that are not difficult to digest.

- Recognize oral conditions such as cavities, because it could be a hiding place leftovers. This can cause bad breath odor smell.



Abacavir is used together with other drugs to cope with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) in the body, causes acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). However, its function is not a cure or prevent HIV infection and the symptoms of AIDS. This medication helps keep the HIV virus to proliferate in the body and slows down the process of destruction of the immune system does the HIV virus. Abacavir district but also can help delay the progression of serious health problems that are usually associated with AIDS or HIV infection. It's just that, nothing can prevent the spread of Abacavir HIV to other people. These drugs can only be obtained with a doctor's prescription.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

14 Benefits of Betel Leaves For Health

The betel plant is a drug that is a huge benefit. It contains antiseptic substances in all parts. The leaves are widely used to treat a nosebleed, eyes red, whitish, make a loud noise, and many more, including erectile dysfunction.

Benefits of betel leaf is widely known and has been clinically. Until now, research on these plants are still being developed. The betel leaf is useful for treating a variety of diseases. Here's a recipe from a medicinal plant Garden Karyasari about how the utilization of betel leaves for health.

Here Are The Benefits:

Prepare 3 pieces of betel leaf and three glasses of water. Wash clean leaves and boil till remaining to be three quarters of the section. Drink with honey.

Poached seven pieces of betel leaf that has been washed clean with a piece of sugar cubes in two glasses of clean water. Wait until the left into a glass. Drink three times a day, each one third glass.

Eliminate body odor
Take five pieces of betel leaf and boiled with two glasses of water. Wait until the left into a glass. Drinking during the day.

Take a betel leaf to taste and wash it clean. Wring the water and add a little honey. Bubuhkan to the place burns.

Prepare a sheet of betel leaves a rather young, then memarkan and rolls. Use to clog up the nose bleed.

Take a betel leaf to taste and wash it clean. After it was milled until smooth and smeared on ulcers and its surroundings. Balut and replace two meals a day.

Itchy eyes and Red
Provide 5-6 young fresh betel leaves and boiled with a glass of water until boiling. Wait for it to cool and use to wash the eyes with glass washing the eyes three times a day until healed.

Koreng and itching
Boil 20 pieces of betel leaf until boiling. Use the stew still warm water for washing the koreng and itching.

Stop Bleeding Gums
Boil four pieces of betel leaf in two cups of water. Use to rinse out.

Aphthous Ulcer
Take 1-2 pieces of betel leaf and then wash clean. Chew until creamed and waste ampasnya when you're done.

Eliminating Bad Breath
Prepare 2-4 pieces of betel leaves, wash clean and squeeze. •Brewing time with hot water and then use to rinse out.

Take 7-10 pieces of betel leaves, wash clean and smooth mashed. •Brewing time with two cups of hot water. Use the water to wash your face. Do 2-3 times a day.

Boil 10 betel leaf that has been washed clean in 2.5 liters of water. Use the stew still warm water to wash your vagina.

Reduce Excess BREAST MILK
Grab a few betel leaves, wash clean and olesi with coconut oil. Then hangatkan on the fire until wilted. Glue it around the swollen breasts while still warm.

Beware of Bad Effects lap Laptop

Do you have a habit of assuming the laptop? We recommend that you stop this habit. Medical research results indicate that this custom has a number of adverse impact on health.

The effect is most noticeable is the onset of permanent skin damage called toasted skin syndrome. Marked by the appearance of spots as well as the loss of elasticity in the patterned layer of the outer shell.

The Telegraph cited research published a journal, Pediatrics was revealed that skin damage that occurs as a result of exposure to heat from the laptop base over the long term. Not only cause pain, in a particular case could even trigger skin cancer.

While studies published the journal Fertility and Sterility, uncover, the habit of assuming the laptop is potentially affect the fertility of the man. Exposure to heat to be conducted into the laptop base and surrounding area affect the thigh quality sperm.

Although using a silencer, exposure to heat that can penetrate the numbers 52 degrees Celsius temperature rise triggers scrotum, pouch that wrap the scrotal. In just 10-15 minutes after you placed the laptop, the threshold exceeds the scrotum temperature normal.

Stop the habit of assuming the laptop is the best advice. In addition to preventing exposure to heat the laptop base, get used to operate the laptop in the Workbench is also good for maintaining posture.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Scientists Develop Anti Lazy

If you include a slacker? A number of scientists from the Center for Integrative Human Physiology, University of Zurich, Switzerland, to develop ways to overcome the problems associated with lack of motivation: antimalas pills.

Quoted from Beauty Genius, they claim that these pills can stimulate someone become more active which indirectly would be less lazy. They also refer to these pills can help fight obesity.

The key is the hormone erythropoietin in pills.

In an experiment, the scientists doing the stimulus of the hormone erythropoietin in rats brain. They found that the stimulation of rats become more motivated to make and practice harder.

Max Gassmann, one of the authors of the study, says that this is the first time that scientists were able to raise motivation in your activities through the stimulation of erythropoietin.

In a follow-up experiment, they also prove that erythropoietin affect mood or mood. Therefore, this hormone stimulation can also be used to assist in the treatment of depression and mental disorders.

Researchers uncover even the effectiveness of hormone stimulation of erythropoietin in treatment of numerous health disorders to help such as Alzheimer's and obesity. Where physical activity improves the condition of the patient.

Recognize the Symptoms of Dehydration and How to Overcome It

A drought that occurred in the middle of the year generally makes the weather tends to be dry and hot. The scorching rays of the Sun also gave rise to a variety of health disorders are vulnerable, including dehydration.

Dehydration is a shortage of experienced fluid body. Its effects can be mild, severe, until the worst can trigger death. The four groups that are at risk of experiencing dehydration, including children, athletes, outdoor workers and elderly people.

There are some signs of dehydration, according to the President of the Medical Association Athletics USA, Dr. Noel Nequin d. as quoted from WomensHealth, namely:

1. the lips and tongue was dry
2. the headache
3. a sense of weakness, dizziness, or extreme fatigue
4. colour of the urine becomes darker than usual.
5. a sense of nausea
6. going on muscle cramps

To resolve it, always with the body hydration drink liquids. The best time to consume the liquid is before the thirsty. "When thirsty, it means that the body has experienced mild dehydration," he said.

Dr. Nequin suggested time hot air, better schedule a time to drink. Avoid drinks that contain caffeine or alcohol while in the Sun or heat. Alcohol and caffeine beverages including stimulates urine production which increases dehydration. "The best Drinks are drinking water or electrolyte-containing sports drinks and energy to working muscles," he said.

Added, adults need a 17-20 ounces of fluid before doing activities, as well as 7-10 ounces of liquid every 10-20 minutes once during the activity. "You need a 24 ounce liquid in the first two hours after outdoor activities," he said. For a child, gave 4-8 ounces of liquid before the start of outdoor activity, and 5 to 9 ounces every 20 minutes over the outside.

There are a few other tips oust dehydration:
1. always wear light colored clothing and loose.
2. whenever there is a chance, a break in the shade
3. when someone who is dehydrated lost consciousness, immediately contact the medical team for further   handling.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Trigger Factors of Heart Disease in Women

Heart disease does not belong to men, women are also at risk of the disease is high. In America, the heart still occupy the first diseases that are at risk of death. And breast cancer in the sixth. Although the disease is more popular.
Actually, a lot of factors in women who become habits are your triggers. Associated press, was quoted as saying the first thing of course increased blood pressure in the body. This is usually caused due to excess weight and pill consumption. Here is another cause of disorders that triggers the heart function.

Birth Control Pills
You probably already know if high blood pressure increases the risk of heart problems. But, did you also know that birth control pills consumed can increase blood pressure?
Try to check the reset, how you need to consume the pill. Or you can replace them with other contraceptive methods. Cardiovascular risk caused due to birth control pills, are likely to increase after the age of 35.
An increase in blood pressure are also often occur during pregnancy, especially for a woman who is overweight. Usually this also caused due to genetic factors. So be sure to keep your blood pressure, especially when approaching a childbirth.

Mental condition which for too long have the pressure can also show early symptoms of heart disease. Depression will automatically menungkatkan blood pressure. Not to mention its lifestyle through uncontrolled food. Depression also allows changes in physiological heart rhythm problems such as unstable.
Unfortunately, depression is more common in women, compared with men. Two to three times that, according to the National Women's Health Resource Center.

Not just for men, the danger cigarettes also lurk women, and indeed the risk is also greater. Women who smoke have a greater risk in heart attack and stroke. So as soon as possible lakukukan the movement to stop the habit of smoking.

After entering the phase of menopause, women are more at risk of heart disease. This is due to the decrease in the hormone estrogen in the body. Before the menopause, oestrogen protects heart function properly.
However, consuming hormone replacement supplements is not the best way. Research suggests that hormonal therapy will instead increases the risk of these diseases.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Do not indulge Lazy After All day Bath

Do not be lazy to take a shower after activity throughout the day. Bath not only makes your body clean and fresh, but it also has other benefits for your health.

The following benefits of bath for your health after a hard day, as quoted beraktifitas of prevention include:

1. improve the performance of your brain

You can improve the performance of the brain with just a shower and add essential oils to the water in the bath. According to the journal of Alternative and Complementary Therapies, life oil can sharpen memory type sage and bergamot reduce stress.

2. Eliminate pain

You can compose a clogged nose channel and cope with the pain and the sore on the body with a bath of warm water. Relaxation when bathing with warm water can also release endorphins to cope with stress and pain in the brain.

3. Make sleep more soundly

Bath with cold water can trigger a decrease in the temperature of your body and give a signal to the body to produce melatonin, which induces sleep. If the air is cold, take a shower with warm water also gives a similar effect, making you sleepy and can sleep soundly.

4. Calms skin from inflammation

Although the wheat has been known as a tranquilizer skin for centuries, researchers recently admitted that avenanthramides in oats is a compound key that can address the inflammation and itching on the skin.

Enter whole wheat in a sock that is clean and dry. Tie the openings with a rubber band and then mandilah with warm water or soak Your kai for 15 to 20 minutes.

Monday, September 19, 2011

3 New Ways to Stop Smoking Habit

Trying to stop the habit of smoking, it is the hardest thing to do. Especially for you that it has long been a nicotine addict. However, when the intention to stop this habit has been embedded, you may be able to seek help.

A new study in the journal Nicotine and Tobacco Research revealed that help for stopping nicotine addiction can come from some unexpected sources.  The following is quoted from the page way Shine:

Eat fruits and vegetables

In these studies, 1,000 randomly selected smoker, asked about their smoking habits and their habit of eating fruits and vegetables. In a follow-up interview, their return was contacted after 14 months later.

They again asked if they start to stop smoking habit after mengonusmsi fruit and vegetable. The study found that those who consume mostly fruit and vegetables, three times more likely to be free from tobacco for at least 30 days than those who consume fewer fruit and vegetable.

The researchers also found that smokers who eat more fruits and vegetables, will likely be smoking less per day. They noted the lower score when nicotine dependency test live. This is because the fruit and vegetable diet high in fiber which can make people feel full so that they are able to suppress hunger and less interested in smoking.
"Smokers are sometimes confusing, feel hungry with desire to smoke," said researcher Jeffrey p. Haibach, MPH, in a statement released in the journal of the study.

Use the help of hypnosis

Over the years, many people claim that hypnosis was able to help a number of cigarette addicts to stop his habit. Now Canada researchers have found that smokers, 4.6 times more likely to quit smoking if they undergo hypnosis therapy.

How does hypnosis work? Therapist influence the smokers, influence them to be more relaxed and then make statements like, "I don't like smoking rooms" that will hold the stick in the minds of the smoker at the level of the subconscious and altered his behavior after exiting from a State of relaxed.

If you try this way, using the help of a hypnotist therapist certified, may you can find benefit from this assistance.

Try acupuncture

China tries to apply the therapeutic use of needles to address the problem of addiction to cigarettes. A very thin needle is usually inserted through the skin at specific points of your body.

That point is located in meridian, through which gi (vital energy). Acupuncture is widely used to treat a variety of conditions, especially addressing the problem of pain.

Even so, the benefits of acupuncture to help stop the habit of smoking is not yet 100 percent proved potent. However, research in Canada has recently found that smokers are 3.5 times more likely to discontinue his habit, if they undergo regular acupuncture, compared to smokers who are not undergoing acupuncture treatments.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Some of Certain Foods Make Cigarette Smoking Not Be Delicious

Many types of therapy is done to overcome an addiction to cigarettes, such as is done with therapy SEFT way light knocks certain body points. There is also a real therapy with laser opium tobacco.
But actually, the food you consume is also a deciding factor to stop the adiksi.

Reported by the Huffington Post, the University at Buffalo researchers found a link between eating fruits and vegetables with a tobacco-free lifestyle for active smokers.

The study, published in the journal Nicotine and Tobacco Research has been reviewing 1,000 smokers aged 25 or over. They are given as well as questions about the smoking habits of fruit and vegetable intake. A year later, they have to come again to asked if they smoked during these months.

As a result, participants who ate more fruit and vegetable, will three times easier to stop or slowly away from cigarettes.

Other reasons that may is a fruit and vegetable can make those quick satiety, so they no longer have the desire to smoke. Second, the fruit and vegetable is not complementary food for tobacco.

It was entered into the study of research at Duke University Medical Center in 2007, which States that milk, fruit and vegetables will make a cigarette so bad. In other words, after eating fruit and vegetables, so it feels very bland cigarette on the tongue. Meanwhile, coffee, meat and alcohol can make the cigarette taste good.

So, if you want to make modifications to the lifestyle of smoking, you must often consume food that makes cigarettes uncomfortable, like a glass of cold milk, and avoid foods that makes cigarettes so tasty, like beer.

Friday, September 16, 2011

List High Cholesterol Foods

Low density lipoprotein cholesterol is evil we have to fight. If not, bad cholesterol triggers heaps of potentially clogging and blocking the blood flow to the brain. Mast keladi heart disease and stroke.

The American Heart Association recommends a maximum intake of cholesterol by as much as 300 mg per day. However, for those who have been diagnosed with high cholesterol, should only be a maximum of 200 mg per day.

Besides doing blood tests periodically, fight bad cholesterol hoarding food consumption by avoiding triggers. Identify the types of foods with high levels of bad cholesterol, as quoted everydayhealth.

Chicken Egg
We need to be observant when heard warning that eggs contain cholesterol is evil. It actually should be avoided is the egg yolks instead of whiteness. Egg yolk in abstinence category for people with high cholesterol because it contains over 200 mg per butirnya. While white *** enter categories free of cholesterol.

Quail eggs
Regular meals presented in the form of Satay is also the diet for a person with high cholesterol. Contents of the kolesterolnya reached 364 mg per 100 grams, could virtually highest other food types.

High cholesterol Rotuma evil are squid, lobster, shrimp, crab, and scallops. Squid has the highest content of 200 mg per 100 grams.

Therefore, reduce the share of fine dining in the daily menu. For the sake of avoiding clustered saturated fat that triggers the blockage of blood vessels, mengonsumsinya undertake once a month. And, make it a habit to accompany her companion drink of coconut water.

The brains of cows
For the fans of food jerohan, cow brains is probably one of the most deliciously. Teksturnya soft with a sense of girih does charge. But, try to think about the bad effects if looking at the content of kolesterolnya reaches 200 mg per 100 grams.

In addition, there are still a number of incoming food categories are harmful to person with high cholesterol, include: coconut milk, cow, goat offal offal, cow's milk, lard, margarine, fatty meats, cheese, and sausages.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

4 Diseases of Women Summer Lurking

Summer is never over. Sunburn and air pollution are alerted early on. If you are not good at keeping themselves, can-can You afflicted by various ailments, ranging from migraines, dehydration and skin diseases.
Well, before you set up summer vacation or go to the pool, it's good you recognize several types of illnesses incurred during summer, as reported by

Migraines and headaches
Headache and migraine may occur anytime without getting to know the seasons. However, did you know why during summer many women more often afflicted by migraines? Squinting into the Sun, fatigue, sunburn and the glare of UV light into the main triggers.
If you squint your eyes and look at the Sun, you'll make the facial muscles become tense, as a result the head will feel pulsating toned. However, if you can produce more sweat which can lower body temperature may be you will not be susceptible to migraine. A migraine can stimulate a sense of too much old nausea and vomiting.
The solution was to use sunglasses when dealing with the heat of the Sun. Can't forget you must also protect the skin with sunscreen.

Yeast infection
It would probably be a skin infection that destroys Your summer vacation this time. Yeast infections are very common during summer, many women who spend time with wet swimsuit while swimming.
According to Dr. Pamela Rockwell, yeast thrives in many cold and humid. Use tampons and pads can also trigger a yeast in the vagina.
To avoid this, make sure you use a loose clothing made of cotton. Avoid wearing silk material and mesh.

Chronic yeast infection
A yeast infection is often experienced by women who are fond of sports during the summer. Many places that allow transmission of mushrooms on women, such as swimming pool, locker room or the wearing of clothes that turn.
Mushrooms are very easy to grow in humid Eve. Make it a habit to use footwear in the dressing room, not exchanging clothes with a friend, and avid change socks.

Food poisoning
One bite of a potato salad can make you sick stomach, believe? Research indicates the percentage of poisoning increases during summer. This is because warm summer would make the environment becomes moist, consequently any food easily corrupted and rotten.
Authorised, you should store food in the refrigerator. Avoid snacks on the side of the road when this season if don't want to pay the hospital.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Stalking is a Heroin User

One of the types of drugs (narcotics and drugs) are commonly used user is heroin. If these substances are used in the long term, then there are medical complications lurking.

Experts reveal the medical consequences of chronic heroin abuse including blood vessels are injured or damaged, a bacterial infection in the blood vessels and heart valves, as well as damage to other body organs such as the liver and kidneys.

Here are some other medical disorders which can lurk users of heroin, as quoted from

1. pulmonary Complications including pneumonia and various types of TB (tuberculosis) that could have resulted from bad actors health conditions as well as the dihirupnya of heroin.

2. damage to organs of the lungs, liver, kidneys and the brain due to the large number of addictive substances in the course of these materials that heroin is not soluble and resulted in the blockage of blood vessels.

3. infection or death of cells in the organs, as well as reaction vitalnya immune system against the heroin that cause arthritis or another rheumatologic problems.

4. health risks of sharing a syringe or liquid that can cause infections hepatitis B and C, HIV and a number of other viruses.

But the most serious health effects from the abuse of heroin is death due to having an overdose. This is because heroin is an illegal drug that sometimes love is mixed with other ingredients and the wearer never knew bagaimaan of pure heroin.

Heroin is often mixed with sugar, starch drugs quinine and sometimes with other toxic substances, thus increasing the potential for danger. This condition makes the wearer had no idea what the actual content and users are at risk of overdose and death.

Other effects of malicious use of heroin is a highly addictive nature. Over time, users develop tolerance does not require one heroin consume higher doses to achieve the same effect.

But if he tried to stop the consumption of heroin, then there are symptoms of withdrawal (withdrawal) experienced an extreme. These symptoms peak between 48-72 hours after you stop using and can last up to a week, symptoms include:
1. a strong Desire to get heroin
2. Restless
3. muscle aches and sometimes bone is very sick
4. throw up
5. cold sweat and body feels cold.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Compared to Alcohol, Tight Pants More Danger For Sperm

During this time, alcohol and caffeinated beverages can be reduced sperm quality. But according to some experts, the impact on fertility is not how much when compared with the too-tight pants.

Last week, the National Health Service in England published the results of research which is quite surprising. Imagine, alcohol and other caffeinated beverages are not considered how much effect on the quality of sperm produced a man.

In penleitian involving 2246 men today, lifestyle changes such as reducing alcohol and drinking coffee is not how big impact on sperm quality. Was no improvement in patients with impaired fertility, but the changes are not as great as expected.

The study, conducted by experts from the University of Manchester, University of Sheffield and University of Alberta in Canada is another factor that proves more vicious damage sperm. Factor is nothing but the panties are too tight.

"It should be noted that the highlights of this research is, the less healthy lifestyle is not very big influence on sperm quality," wrote the experts in the scientific report as quoted by the NY Dailynews.

Among the participants are all taken from various fertility clinics in Britain, 40 percent have poor sperm quality. When compared, there is not much difference in the habit of consuming alcohol, but his ugly sperm participants tend to more often wear tight underwear instead of boxer shorts.

Underwear that is too grammatical indeed known to make men of reproductive organ function impaired. Besides being able to raise the temperature of vital organs, the materials used in manufacturing helped reduce sperm quality assessed.

Brain Food is Good for the Baby

Growth period is the right time to maximize the ability of the brain of a child. To support it, please make a healthy nutritional foods which could be a brain.

Food brain can improve memory and skills, so as to make the child more proficient in memorize or remember something.

The following nutrients could be brain food for children, as reported by boldsky:

1. dairy products
Milk and other dairy products are rich sources of protein, calcium, potassium and vitamin d. All of these are a source of essential nutrients key to development of the neuromuscular system, neurotransmitters, enzymes and brain tissue. Children and people in the age group of teenagers who are in the stage of growing also requires these nutrients.

2. all kinds of fruit-berry
Strawberries, cherries, blueberries and blackberries are known as ' brainberries ' because the fruits of this provides almost all the essential nutrients for the brain. The fruit is a great source of antioxidants and berri vitamin C which helps in reducing oxidative stress.

3. eggs and nuts
Kolin, one other important element for the development of stem cells that can be found in the memory of eggs and nuts. Choline can increase the production of stem cells of memory in the brain, as well as minimizing fatigue. Moreover, nuts and seeds are a source of vitamin D, which is capable of reducing the decline of cognitive function.

4. wheat
B vitamins and glucose are found in whole grains like oat meal and brown rice, so that makes it a healthy brain foods for children. The body requires a regular supply of glucose supplied by seeds. Vitamin B improves the flow of blood to the nervous system which is one of the main factors in maintaining all the organs of the body to the active, including the brain.

5. Salmon
Fish with high levels of fats such as salmon is a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids such as DHA and EPA. This is a nutrient essential for proper brain development. Research proves that people who consume the fish have a sharper memory than not.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Reactions in the Body When The Ecstasy Consumption

Ecstasy is sometimes referred to with MDMA (methylene dioxy methamphetamine) became illegal drugs that are so popular, because some of the effects of this drug could lengsung feels within 1 hour after single doses are consumed with.

As is known, Ecstasy is not a drug that produces a variety of benign because of the adverse health effects including nausea, chills, sweating, unconsciously clenching, muscle cramps and blurred vision, as quoted from

Some Time After Drink
Ecstasy contains stimulants that are quickly absorbed in the human bloodstream, but once he had entered the ecstasy will interfere with the body's ability to metabolize or break.

Stimulant in the central nervous system stimulating ecstasy and other content affects the ability of one's perception.

Ecstasy users will also be reduced ability to control himself so he'll feel excited all of a sudden even before 1 hour since he drank.

The result of this stimulant effects also makes a person consume in a nightclub to dance or Jig in a long period. As well as its direct effect is caused anxiety and makes people desperate to do something.

A Few Hours After Consumption
A few hours after people are consuming ecstasy to be generated a significant decline in mental abilities, especially affecting memory and can last up to a week. This condition is dangerous if a person performs complex activities such as driving.

A Week After Consumption
During the week after consumption, many users report a variety of emotions including anxiety, restlessness, irritability, sadness, depression, sleep disorders, eating less and can't nafu-enjoy sex.

What if someone is experiencing an overdose (OD) due to this medication then it will arise the symptoms of high blood pressure, worsened the effects of cardiovascular toxicity, fainting, panic attacks, and in the case of heavy lead to loss of consciousness and seizures.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Cause of Death: Respiratory Tract from inhaling cigarette smoke and vehicle

Two hours earlier, I tasted the food souvenirs from Sulawesi. Foods that taste good without dinyana my immune system has triggered so that the impact of sistemiknya causes an allergic reaction.

While "enjoying" an allergic reaction, I think, what I wish to happen if there are no allergic reactions when we had the "a" allergens. The answer may be just one: DEAD. Capacity loss of life.

As I've learned before, in the science of genetics, overall functionality and system life is sustained by a large number of protein-2 compiled by DNA. And DNA itself simply consists of 4 letters arranged systematically. A, T, C, and g. Hopefully got here the reader can follow the "reverie" me.

If a substance is "considered" by poison the body enters into this system, then combination A, T, C, G's review will be uninterrupted. Chaos ensued in the creation of such toxic protein-which is now named allergens immediately processed for blocked so as not to mess up the whole system. There was a systemic impact of this mess, which as a result – seen from the fatalitasnya level could lead to collapse and coma. Followed by reaction with 2-degrees of fatality that declining such as shortness of breath, sneeze, itch-2-2 until the swelling in specific areas.

These are all the work of the immunity system trying to protect our survival. Imagine if the system immunity and that there was no systemic impact, eating peanuts, are at risk of death, lho!

Because it is now an awful lot of therapist allergy. Starting from hypnoterapi, acupuncture, as well as medical. Why? Because the body's ability to recognize a substance is toxic, can be programmed and rehearsed. That is why each other have different types of allergies, to different allergens. It also is why child-2 is now more easily allergy to ingredients-2 natural foods rather than to the material-2 meals with a mixture of chemicals, such as the "regular" they consume on a daily basis.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Risk of Breast Cancer Can Fuelled By Alcohol, Obesity, and X-ray

Breast cancer is the most frightening Specter to women. The cause of breast cancer itself is influenced by many factors or multi-factor.

Recently a research report mentions that women who are obese or overweight, alcohol, as well as many mengonsumi too intensnya exposed to x-rays had a subjected to the risk of breast cancer is higher compared with women who are spared from these three things

A writer in the research report, entitled breast cancer and the environment: guidelines for Living Dr. Kathy Helzelsouer mentioned that environmental factors are thus often considered trivial by a lot of people apparently could be one of the triggers breast cancer.

Environmental factors such as exposure to radiation that is, patterns and types of foods consumed include also in it regularly-at least in the running of the sport.

Kathy continue that person's body weight was instrumental in the onset breast cancer because fat cells which overlap will actively produce estrogen which plays an active role in most of the growth of breast cancer.

This is strengthened by the results of the research been done by the Cancer Research in the United Kingdom to the effect that obesity is a major cause of breast cancer, after alcohol and cigarettes. It mainly occurs in women who have already entered the ranks of the menopause.

Of research data, there is the fact that approximately 12.5% of women suffering from breast cancer United Kingdom in her life. The numbers could arguably large enough and should be of concern to various parties.

Female menopause has a risk of about 2-3 times exposed to attack breast cancer because it has higher estrogen levels compared to women who have relatively lower levels of estrogen.

In other research funded by Cancer Researh United Kingdom and conducted by a team from Oxford University intends to find out the factors that could explain why there is breast cancer which is sensitive to hormone levels.

In conclusion, that the weight loss is thought to be the cause of the growing strong sex hormones so that the weight of a person's body weight to the hormone estrogen then someone could also be increased.

The dangers of alcohol and x-ray Radiation

In addition to the other causes of obesity, someone affected by breast cancer are many consume alcohol. A study conducted in France, Germany, and Italy found the conclusion that enough glass of alcohol per day could make peminumnya has affected the chances of breast cancer about 3-5%. If consumption in one day reach 3-5 cups, then exposed to risk of breast cancer increases to 50%.

Intake of alcohol in quantities much into the body is the cause of breast cancer in about 50 thousand cases in the world. While mild amounts of alcohol drinkers have contributed 2% contraction and breast cancer in North America and Europe.

Why alcohol? Same thing with obesity, that drink that can make people drunk it can create increased levels of estrogen in the body that triggers the onset breast cancer. So for those of you that often consume alcohol either in the amount of light or heavy, are advised to immediately stop it because her breasts were exposed to the risk of cancer is enormous.

In addition to alcohol, exposure to x-rays can also trigger the onset breast cancer. Kathy Helzelsouer suggest that exposure of sinar shy away from radiation in a medium to large number of especially for youth and women in when her breasts are growing.

Benign Cyst In Vagina

The Tumor is a cluster of abnormal cells that are formed from the results of the process of cell division and no excessive coordinated.

On the basis of its growth, the tumors are divided into 2 large groups: malignant tumors and benign tumors or popular as cancer. Tumors and cancer is often considered to be the same. However, there is a difference between the two.

Benign tumours only grew and grew up locally and not to attack the body's tissues and do not experience metastatis nearby Borobudur (spread to other organs of the body it inhabits) in contrast to malignant tumors that grow uncontrollably, attack the body's tissues around him, and experience metastatis through lymph and blood circulation system. Malignant Tumor is known as cancer.

The world of medicine has yet to figure out the exact cause a person can suffer from tumors but in general it is believed that the process of the formation of tumors associated with 3 main factors are genetic factors (hereditary), carcinogenic (oncogene), and co-carcinogen (co-oncogene). Tumors are initially benign if not treated properly, it would be inflamed and turn into malignant cancer tumor aka.

Cysts are benign tumors that are most frequently encountered. Cystic form, containing a viscous fluid, and some are shaped like wine. There is also a cyst which contains air, fluid, pus, or any other materials. Cysts are benign tumors include wrapped some sort of membrane tissue.
A collection of tumor cells that are separated by normal tissue around it and cannot spread to other body parts. That is why benign tumours are relatively easily lifted with dissection, and does not endanger the health of its victims.

Based on the level of keganasannya, the cyst is divided into two, namely non-neoplastic or anti-neoplastic activities and. Cysts are non-neoplastic or benign nature and usually will deflate itself after 2 to 3 months. While the cyst neoplastic or should generally in operation, but it also depends on the size and nature. In addition to ovarian cysts can also on growing up in the vagina and vulva area (the outside of the female genitalia). The cysts grow in the vaginal area, among other inclusions, gartner, endometriosis, and adenosis. While the cysts grow in the vulva, among others on the glands, sebaceous glands and glands bartholini inclusion epidermal.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Minimize the Risk of Skin Cancer With Coffee

For those of you who like to stay up, coffee was the best friend can be trusted to make the eyes stay awake. But according to a new study whose results are reported by the site Genius Beauty, coffee benefits not only to eliminate sleepiness. But also able to minimize the risk of developing skin cancer.

Scientists who examined it comes from Rutgers University, USA. They experiment with mixing the caffeine of coffee into the sunscreen, the skin protection creams.

It is the object of research is still conducted on mice genetically engineered to have skin cancer, but the effect appears to show positive results.

Mice that sunscreen smeared with caffeine coffee was not his skin absorbs ultraviolet radiation from the sun, and there seems no significant progression of tumor cells.

Whereas in mice not given caffeine coffee cream with sunscreen, the opposite occurs, leading to a negative direction.

Up to 19 weeks of trial time, the development of mice with a cream containing caffeine up to 69% better than those who do not.

This is because caffeine inhibits the effect of ATR enzyme, an enzyme that can aggravate cancer if exposed to sunlight.

So, the coffee was able to minimize the risk of skin cancer and UV rays resist bad influences. You want to try, go ahead.